These are the World-renowned, patented & trademarked, Angleball ® Standards! Played by NFL Super Bowl Champion teams, Team USA Olympic Athletes, and over 1 million athletes world-wide!
Our ANGLEBALL ® Standards are height adjustable from 4 feet up to 10 feet, reset the targets by simply pulling on the tether, setup in around a minute, and come with a 1 year warranty and 100% customer satisfaction guarantee!
We offer three equipment models. If you want a portable set and only plan on playing outside, go with the "Portable Field & Beach Standard"; want a portable set to play indoors or outdoors? Go with the "Portable Indoor & Outdoor Standard!" Want something more permanent, made of steel and concrete-able? Go with the "Permanent Championship Standard.
Each set comes with a free curriculum that can be incorporated into your school, gym, or organization that was written with help from nationally recognized physical education teachers: you can view the curriculum here. Replacement targets & Angleballs can be purchased, here.

Outdoor Set

Made of durable, hard plastic. Screws into the ground in seconds. Reset the targets by simply pulling on the tether. Fits entirely in the carry bag when disassembled. Assembles & disassembles in under a minute. Height adjustable 4 to 10 feet. Comes with 2 outdoor standards, 2 targetballs, 2 angleballs, carry bag, rules & setup guide. FREE DELIVERY!

Indoor & Outdoor Set

Made of durable, hard plastic. Water-filled base. Reset the targets by simply pulling on the tether. Fits entirely in the carry bag when disassembled. Assembles & disassembles in under a minute. Height adjustable 4 to 10 feet. Comes with 2 water-base indoor / outdoor standards, 2 targetballs, 2 angleballs, carry bag, rules & setup guide. FREE DELIVERY!

Steel & Concrete Set

Concrete fill-able base, steel upper, and premium leather targets and playballs. Reset the targets by simply pulling on the tether. A permanent standard for your school, camp or park. Assembles in minutes. 2 Steel Standards, 2 targetballs, 2 angleballs, carry bag, rules & setup guide. FREE DELIVERY!

Our athletic program was founded in 1942 by D1 Hall of Fame football & basketball coach Charles "Rip" Engle as a conditioning activity for WW2 American servicemen & women. Today Angleball ® equipment is played for fun & fitness by millions of athletes worldwide, including by Super Bowl Championship NFL teams & Team USA Olympic athletes!
